About Us

Our mission here at Lottery Winners is to entertain and inform. Despite our focus on people who’ve won lotteries, we also see the game for what it is: fascinating and fun to play. Nothing more.

Lotteries don’t offer a way out of financial hardship. Nor are they likely to change your life. So we try to infuse a healthy dose of realism into every piece of content we compose for this site.

We also steer clear of the sensationalist marketing spiel found on other lottery websites – those of you searching for tips on how to become a lottery millionaire will have to look elsewhere.

However, we see nothing wrong with fantasising about ‘winning the lottery’ now and then. In fact, this is one of the fun things about buying a lottery ticket: the ‘what if’ factor.

Accordingly, we look at the stories of people who’ve won lottery jackpots, who’ve lost lottery jackpots and who continue to live a life of luxury because of lottery jackpots.

We also offer insights into the principles behind all lotteries, while looking at some of the stranger facts which surround this remarkably popular game.

There are of course plenty of pitfalls to look out for when playing the lottery too – so we include posts and articles about these as well.

Hopefully, you’ll derive as much pleasure from this site, as we have had creating it.